Tuesday, February 26, 2008

How Can You Have FUN Writing Your Resume?

Resumes are one of the few areas in your life when you're supposed to brag about yourself. And you're bragging about yourself on paper, so you can re-read how great you are.

You're forced to accentuate only the positive side of who you are--and you know, you get what you focus on!

If you have even a little eye for things that look nice, you also get the opportunity to create a page or two that appeals to the eye on a design level.

Need Help?
  • Need help with design? Long on time and short on money? Search online for resume templates and pick some that look especially nice. Or, check out the non-Designer's Design Book and embrace your creative side: http://tinyurl.com/34z725.

  • Have money but no time? Stuck in a job that's draining you? Consider a resume-writing service. They're often relatively inexpensive and will likely do an even better job than you would do on your own.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

24-Hour Coach-a-Thon

In celebration of International Coaching Week, I'm partnering with 11 other professional coaches to offer the first ever free 24-hour life, business and career "Coach-a-Thon", beginning February 15 at 9 AM Central.

I'm really excited to participate in this event.  It's for a great cause, it's a wonderful way to bring coaching to people who may not otherwise have access to it, and it's going to be a lot of fun!  If you would like to participate sign up ASAP, as the Coach-a-Thon will be advertised on local Houston TV (Great Day Houston) on Tuesday, February 12 and it's very likely that any remaining slots will be filled after that.

Note: Participants will be asked to make a donation to the Northwest Family YMCA's Partners Campaign, which allows children and families who could not otherwise afford it to participate in YMCA programs like child care, after school care, camp and more.

For more information on the Coach-a-Thon and to register visit http://www.greystoneguides.com/gg/events/coach-a-thon_08.shtml

Monday, February 4, 2008

Careerbuilder Superbowl Ad.. Follow Your Heart

If you were among the half of Americans watching the Superbowl yesterday, what did you think about the Careerbuilder follow-your-heart ad? The one where the heart jumps from a woman's chest, trails blood on the way to her boss' desk to tell him she quits, and leaves the building.

Although I watch the Superbowl for the football, I also enjoy rolling my eyes at the ridiculous ads. Yesterday's game was no exception; there were plenty of bad ads for my eye-rolling pleasure. And a friend I was watching with (who really watches it for the game, even more so than I) also picked her least and most favorite ads. Her least favorite? Yes, the aforementioned careerbuilder spot. It was dubbed disturbing.

And while I have to agree that the ad was ugly, it also rang true for me. There are so many people stuck out there in miserable jobs, or jobs that simply aren't working for them. And it's really a shame. If you're one of them (and hey, I've been there), when are you going to follow your heart? Hopefully before it leaps from your chest in protest...!

To access the special report "7 Keys to Breaking Free of Job Hell: How to Instantly Start on the Path to Work You Love", visit http://www.freshvisioncoaching.com/