Friday, November 7, 2008

Never Blow A Job Interview Again (And Free Stuff!)

How do you feel when heading into a job interview? Are
you confident and sure they’d be lucky to hire you, or are
you a little nervous and not sure you prepared well enough?

If it’s the latter, and you want to never again blow an
interview, then read this all the way to the end.

How Interviewing Is Like Taking a Motorcycle Driving Test

But first, let’s talk about why interviews are so tough for so
many people. Basically, an interview is a sales conversation.
If you’re not a salesperson, that may not be one of your big
skills or strengths. (Even if you are in sales, it may be a
different kind of sales conversation.)

So, the tricky part is, to land the job you need to be good at
skills that may have nothing to do with the actual job you’re
interviewing for. That’s kind of like having to pass a driving
test using a motorcycle, when all you want is to be able to
drive a car!

Luckily, the skills you need for this interview “test” are within
your abilities. Read on..

How To Ace Any Interview

First, you need to understand that an interview is a sales
conversation. Now, don’t let that scare you – one of the best
definitions I’ve heard for sales is that it’s finding out what
people want and helping them get it. Not so bad, right?

You probably already know what they want, from the
application process. If not, get as clear as possible before the
interview. Then, ask again during the interview, just to be sure.

During the interview, share exactly how they can get what
they’re looking for by hiring you. Give specific examples of how
you’ve produced similar results in the past.

Practice your interview with this focus – remembering that,
with every single question, the interviewer is really asking,
“How do I know you’re any good at what you do, and how do I
know you’d work well in this position, at this company?”

Respond to that subtext, and you’ll do very, very well.


Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Your Worst Fears Confirmed: It IS Who You Know

Your Worst Fears Confirmed: It IS Who You Know

What would you say is the most frustrating aspect of a job
search? Is it making it all the way through the second round
of interviews, and then getting no offers? Or maybe it’s
sending out dozens of resumes, only to get no response...

At this point, you might be thinking, “if only I could be so lucky
– I’m having trouble even finding dozens of jobs to apply for!”

Well, once you’ve figured out what job you want (that’s Step #1),
the next step is to find it. And if you’re having trouble here, you
are almost certainly not making use of who you know.

Step #2: Find The Job You Want (Through Who You Know)

Ok, the good news is that you already do know more people than
you think. And, you can get to know new people really quickly
(probably faster than you thought).

I’m about to share how you can do that, and how you can do it FAST.

Job Leads In Two Minutes Flat

Make a list of the 5 most connected peopleyou know. Find their phone
numbers. (1 minute)

Call each of them, tell them what type ofposition you’re looking for
(again, you have to get Step #1 done first), and ask each of them who
they would recommend you talkwith. (1 minute or less)

Call their referrals. Let them know who gaveyou their number, then ask
the samequestion of them. (at two minutes, you’re talking to a new

Think it can't be that easy? It can! Go forth and network your way to
those interviews!

P.S. Learn more easy-to-use strategies to tap into the hidden job market
in the upcoming Stand Out Jobs teleclass starting Nov 11!
Full information is at

P.P.S. This class is limited to 8 people. Keep your eyes peeled for a super
special for the next 3 who sign up!

Monday, November 3, 2008

How To Land Your Next Job (Step 1 of 4)

There are four simple steps to follow when you’re job seeking,
and virtually everyone who gets hired completes all four steps.

Step #1: Figure Out What Job You Want

This may seem like a no brainer, and in the past I’ve actually
omitted this step and just talked about the next three. And
that’s a mistake! Because...

If all you’re looking for is a job (any job!) it’s kind of like calling
for a pizza delivery and telling the person who answers the
phone that size and toppings are irrelevant. How likely do you
think you are to get that pizza?... (Honestly, you’re probably
more likely to have the pizza place hang up on you.)

So, it’s MUCH easier to get something if you’re clear on what it
is. And simple as this concept may be, not everyone uses it in
their job search. So you can Stand Out if you simply get clear on
the job you’re after – job title, physical location, and possibly
industry as well.

Can’t Figure Out What That Is?

Try this simple trick:

Make a list of skills that you could apply in your next job. Go
ahead, make a big list, considering skills you used in your last jobs,
in volunteer work, or in your personal life.

Next, choose your favorite 3 skills from the list. Enter those skills
into (in various combinations) and see what job titles
come up the most. For now, you can ignore the job locations.
Choose from among those the job that’s most compelling to you.

Now you know what job you want. Stay tuned for more on how to
find it (that would be step 2).

P.S. More details about how to figure out what job is next for you
(including the simplest strategy ever for narrowing down your top
3 skills) in the upcoming Stand Out Jobs teleclass starting Nov 11!
Full information at: