Wednesday, January 28, 2009
New Beginnings
with all the excitement that process can bring. And, it’s got
me thinking about new beginnings.
... opening a journal to that first, blank page
... making the final payment on a credit card
... beginning dance lessons
... starting your 401(k) in motion
... signing up for a new class
... completing a detox program
Some new beginnings are pretty large (like a home purchase!);
others are small and simple.
But, all of them seem to inject energy, freshness, curiosity,
and creativity into our lives.
Where can you start something new, now?
(...If not now, when?)
Friday, January 23, 2009
The FastestTransportation Available
I was drawn to a poster with this quote on it at a recent yoga class.
(If you like that, you can find a nice visual reminder of it here:
And then.. on my way home from that class, I saw a little girl making a big (for her!) leap from one patch of sidewalk to another. When you notice something repeatedly, it’s asking for your attention.. so I started thinking.. leaps of faith seem to come easier for us when we’re young.. before we get jaded, cynical, or skeptical.
And I’m not so sure that serves us. One of my intentions for 2009 is to take quick action on things that capture my interest and attention. Because one thing I know is, leaping before I have time to look helps me to get in action before I can talk myself out of something, or before I lose momentum.
So far, leaping has helped me sign up (last minute; that’s when I heard about it!) for a workshop that has already changed my life. I’m looking forward to the next leap!
So let me ask you this.. where in your life are you hesitating? Take a deep breath, keep your eyes on the other side of the chasm, and ... Jump!
Friday, January 16, 2009
Where will YOU be on MLK day? (call for service)
President-elect Obama believes that we, as Americans, have a
responsibility to help our communities and fellow citizens. In
summoning a new spirit of service, he is calling on us to make an
enduring commitment to our neighborhoods. What you might not
have heard is that service to others also helps make you happier.
And, it can help you discover your true passion.
In that spirit.. I’m all signed up to give blood on Monday.
For the month of January, I’m also donating my time for Heifer
International. If you or someone you know would like to create
some real CHANGE in 2009, sign up for this hour-long planning
session now:
Not sure how you can serve?
Visit to find something that calls to you!