Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Make More Money Doing Work You Love

If you're not doing work you love, or you're not sure how
to make good money doing that work..

Then read this post all the way to the end to discover how
you can be one of seven people to take advantage of a free
35 minute "Make More Money Doing Work You Love" coaching
session, where we will:

=> Create a realistic vision for work you'd love that you
will make more money at

=> Gain insight into things that may be slowing you down,
holding you back, or stopping you from doing that work
and making that money

=> Get renewed energy and motivation to move forward

Why am I offering this?

I was inspired by a book my husband is reading: "The Battle
For the Soul Of Capitalism." Jack Bogle (ex-CEO of Vanguard)
wrote the book to do his part to salvage a system that provides
disproportionate wealth to people who manage money. Now, when
you have someone who managed an investment fund saying this..
it's a really great reminder.

My husband was pretty excited about the concepts, and I was
too. See, I've committed to helping everyone bring more soul
into their work, and to be well rewarded for the value they
create. Because I wonder..

What would this world look like if everyone was making great
money doing work they loved?

What would your world look like if that was true for you?

Here's What I Invite You To Do

I'm going to be selecting a handful of people to work with
over the next week or two (I might do a few more than seven,
but it looks like that's about all I can fit in right now.)
If you'd like to be one of them, email the following to

1) Name:
2) What I'm doing for work now:
3) What I'd like to be doing (if you don't know exactly what
it is, that's OK too):
4) How much more money I'd like to be making:
5) On a scale of 1 to 10, (10=I'm so ready, I started working
on it just now), how ready I am to be making that much
6) On a scale of 1 to 10, how ready I am to be doing work I
7) Best daytime phone number:
8) Best days/times:

If you'd like to make more money doing work you love..
Go ahead and send that email now.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Just How Bad Is It At Work?

How much do you dread Monday morning? Whether you
have a crappy job and a crappy boss, or you’re one of the
“lucky ones” who has a “good” job and a decent boss and
no real reason to complain, but you’re still not happy..

Either way, Mondays can be tough. In fact, sometimes you
start dreading Monday morning on Sunday night, or earlier.

What Is Your Job Costing You?

No one loves 100% of their work, 100% of the time. But, if
you’re not enjoying it more than you’re hating it.. it will
cost you.

It will cost you physically, as stress and unhappiness are
proven to cause serious health problems, and cause early

It will cost you financially, too. When you do work that you
aren’t excited about, you’re less enthusiastic, less productive,
and less likely to hit that sweet spot where your talents are
well rewarded.

Oh, and it’ll cost you some happiness too. But, you already
knew that..

The Oddest Physical Symptom

When I was doing work that didn’t fit, my stress showed up
in my stomach. When I stopped for a second and paid
attention, I’d notice my stomach was all knotted up.

Now, that’s a pretty common place for someone to hold job
(or other) tension. I know someone who holds her job stress
in her toes, of all places. She scrunches them up without
realizing she’s doing it, until she gives herself a foot cramp or

That might sound odd, but if we spend our hours in ways
that don’t work for us, it’s going to show up somehow.

How is it showing up for you?

OK, What Are You Going To Do About It?

If you’ve heard from others (and even from yourself) that
you’re supposed to hate your job, or that you already have
a “good” job so what are you complaining about?.. if you
buy into that, be prepared for more of the same.

But know that that isn’t how it has to be.

If You’re Ready For Work You Love..

If you truly want to have work that works for you, you can.

And actually, the process is very simple.. first decide you’re
going to do it, then set some goals and get in action towards

Pick Up Your Foot & Take A Step

Start by deciding that you’re going to do work you truly enjoy.
A magical thing happens when you make a real commitment
– things start falling into place for you, and/or you start
making things fall into place (ever hear that people who work
the hardest are the luckiest?).. when you make a
commitment, success becomes inevitable.

Once you’ve made that decision (you have, haven’t you?), it’s
time to display your commitment. Here are a few ideas how
you can do that; pick one and get started. Now.

• Create a vision board and post it somewhere you will
see it regularly. You can do this in any way you like; one
common way is to paste (on poster board or other)
magazine cutouts of specific or general things you want.

• Tell your three closest friends about your decision.
(It’s especially useful if you tell people who’ll support
your decision rather than tell you it’s not a good idea.)

• If you know what you’d like to do, talk to someone
who’s already doing it and let them know that you’re
going to be doing the same thing soon (you may end
up with a great mentor too).

• If you don’t know what you’d like do, email me at with “I want to
land my dream job” in the subject line. You’ll be at
the front of the line the next time I offer a few “Land
Your Dream Job” sessions, where you’ll get crystal
clear on what it is you really want.

• Or, choose another way to declare your decision. It’s
not important how you do it, just that you do it.

I’d love to hear about your first step; drop me an email!

Your career change maven,

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Is a Recession a Challenge or an Opportunity?

So much of it is how you frame it.

Yes, there certainly are challenges right now, and it’s wise
to be smart in your approach to those challenges. AND, if
challenges are all you’re seeing.. they’re all you’re going to
be getting, too.

If you’re one of the people who is looking for opportunity,

you’ll be one of those who find it. (Did you know that many,

many businesses came out of down times? One small
example: Monopoly was spawned during the Great
Depression. People didn’t have a lot of money to spend on
entertainment, but they still wanted to be entertained, and
how better than to pretend they were real estate barons?)


What’s YOUR dream, and what’s the opportunity that you

have, NOW, to move towards it?

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

America’s #1 Threat: Bears

Do you use antibacterial soap?
Did you avoid flying after 9/11?
Do you frequently watch the nightly news?
Is part of your vote based on fear of what “the
other guy” would do?

If you answered yes to any of the above questions
(and even if you didn’t), you probably fit squarely
in with the vast majority of people who misuse fear.

Yes, you read that right – at some level, fear is a
, and most of us use it poorly. This hit home for
me recently as I ran across a Tony Robbins quote:
“A decision made from fear is always the wrong

That stopped me in my tracks.. I can think of at least
one big decision I’ve made in the last year that was
primarily fear-based. Can you?

Perhaps you can think of something you’d like to do,
career- or other-wise, that you haven’t allowed
yourself to do, out of fear.. and, fear can have us do
some crazy things.

Consider this..
• The FDA concluded that antibacterial soap is
no better at preventing infection than regular
soap. However, there is a greater risk of
bacterial resistance when antibacterial soap
is regularly used..
• When fewer people fly, more people drive.
And since driving is inherently less safe than
flying, the result of increased vehicle traffic
the year after Sept 11 was 1,595 additional
traffic fatalities in the U.S.
• Watching too much news can cause you to
fear.. bears. To really, really, fear bears :)
• In New York, the top-ranking fear (above even
a terrorist attack) is “not being able to maintain
the same standard of living in the future”.

Ok, ok, how then to deal with fear that doesn’t make

First, accept that you’re human. As humans, we all
fall prey to misjudgments and miscalculations, and ..
sometimes our instincts are just plain wrong. (It
probably wouldn’t hurt to extend that compassion to
others as well.)

Next, think twice about your gut reaction. Instead of
allowing your fears to define you, allow yourself some
relief as you focus on the fears that are worth tackling.

If you’d like to read more, here’s one source of my
inspiration for this article: